Understanding How Infection Prevention Influences Nurses’ Task Sequencing using a Mixed-Methods, Simulation-Based Approach
Weaver, B. W., Mumma, J. M., Parmar, S., MacKay, R. E., Morgan, J. S., Ghassemian, G., Gannon, P., Lee, L.
Human Factors in Healthcare
A Methodology for Using Lambda Phages as a Proxy for Pathogen Transmission in Hospitals
Burke, K. B., Berryhill, B. A., Garcia, R., Goldberg, D. A., Manuel, J. A., Gannon, P., Levin, B. R., Kraft, C. S., Mumma, J. M.
Journal of Hospital Infection
Designing Better Cloth Masks: The Effect of Fabric and Attachment-Style on Discomfort
Mumma, J. M., Liu, F., Nga Lee, N., Lane, M. A., Morgan, J. S., & Gannon, P. R.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
Balancing Infection Prevention with Competing Priorities is Revealed in Nurses’ Task SequencingÂ
Weaver, B. W., Mumma, J. M., Parmar, S., MacKay, R. E., Morgan, J. S., Ghassemian, G., Gannon, P. R., & Lee, L.
Human Factors in Healthcare (In Review)