Understanding How Infection Prevention Influences Nurses’ Task Sequencing using a Mixed-Methods, Simulation-Based Approach
Weaver, B. W., Mumma, J. M., Parmar, S., MacKay, R. E., Morgan, J. S., Ghassemian, G., Gannon, P., Lee, L.
Human Factors in Healthcare
A Methodology for Using Lambda Phages as a Proxy for Pathogen Transmission in Hospitals
Burke, K. B., Berryhill, B. A., Garcia, R., Goldberg, D. A., Manuel, J. A., Gannon, P., Levin, B. R., Kraft, C. S., Mumma, J. M.
Journal of Hospital Infection
Balancing Infection Prevention with Competing Priorities is Revealed in Nurses’ Task SequencingÂ
Weaver, B. W., Mumma, J. M., Parmar, S., MacKay, R. E., Morgan, J. S., Ghassemian, G., Gannon, P. R., & Lee, L.
Human Factors in Healthcare (In Review)
Relating Healthcare Workers’ Mental Models to the Transmission of Infectious Agents during Patient Care
Parmar, S., Mumma, J. M., Mackay, R., Garcia, R., Berryhill, B., Burke, K., Nair, A., & Gannon, P.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care (In Press). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Healthcare Worker Mental Models of Patient Care Tasks in the Context of Infection Prevention and Control
Mumma, J. M., Howard-Anderson, J. R., Morgan, J. S., Schink, K., Wheatley, M. J., Kraft, C. S., Lane, M. A., Kaufman, N. H., Ayeni, O., Brownsword, E. A., & Jacob, J. T.
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 1-6